Lassen NP and PCT

September 28, 2016

Climbing from Lower Twins Lake towards Summit Lake one is offered a fantastic view of Lassen Peak. And after an extended session of picture taking we proceed to David’s car at the trailhead.
I quickly dumped the content of my pack and replaced the food with a 4 day supply for my PCT hike. David drove me to the Lower Summit Lake Campground saving me about 1/2 a mile of walking.
After about 2.5 mile hike I reached the PCT at mile 1350 and started hiking south towards Truckee. Along the way I met a hiker who recommended the Farther River crossing as a good place to camp the night. Even though it was late I decided to push for it and reached it around 6:30. PCT mile 1338.

Cinder Cone

September 27, 2016

Snug Lake to Lower Twins Lake via Cinder Cone
The highlight for today is Cinder Cone, a 700 foot pile of loose ash topped by a volcanic crater. The climb is one of those 2 steps up one step down type, and the heat of the day didn’t make it better. The view from the top is amazing. The Painted Dunes, the Amazing Lava Bed and numerous lakes doting the landscape. All that is capped with Lassen Peak in the far distance.

Summit Lake to Snug Lake

September 26

After a slow start we left Summit Lake trailhead and hiked along Summit Creek to Corral Meadow, where we crossed King Creek and followed the PCT north for a while. A group of horseback riders got there at the same time. They were following the PCT for a long way. From there we took the trail to Horseshoe Lake and to Snug Lake.

Just before we arrived at camp we meet a single hiker. Besides him and the horseback riders we saw nobody.

Snug Lake had lost a lot of water and there were sandy flats were once was water. We made camp at one of those flats enjoying the soft sand for our mattresses.

Arriving at Lassen NP

SEPTEMBER 25, 2016
David and I had an un eventful drive to Lassen, where David picked up his golden pass and we picked up the backpacking permit. With half a day left to kill, we climbed Lassen peak and visited Bumpass hall. Today is particularly warm as even now at 8:30 p.m. It is still comfortable to seat outside with no jacket.