Lost Coast, Jones Beach to Anderson

03 APRIL 2016, 07:24 PM
April 3, 2016
The southern section of the Lost Coast trail run mostly through coastal maintain scenery. Only occasionally one gets to see the ocean. Specifically when the trail descends for stream crossing to sea level.

The one exception is from Needle Rock to Bear Harbor where the trail follows a shelf near the ocean. It was along this section that we got to see the elk that was reintroduced recently to the park.
Later along the trail wildflowers have returned. Irises, indian paint brush, daisies, columbine, just to name a few.
We were contemplation hiking all the way to Usal in one day, but I was concerned we will have to hike in the dark, not a good option. So we made camp at Anderson. We’ll hike the last 5 miles tomorrow.

Lost Coast, Horse Mountain Creek to Jones Beach

02 APRIL 2016, 07:44 PM
April 2, 2016
Walking along the Black Sand Beach we made good time getting to Shelter Cove. Along the way ocean wave chased us when we got to close. From Shelter Cove to Hidden Valley trailhead is all on paved roads.
Finally on the trail again climbing to the top of Shemise Mountain, 2600 ft., we were treated to great vistas from the summit’s lookout point. It takes a lot of climbing when starting from the beach.
The summit ridge was relatively dry and there where no wildflowers. They started to shore up on the way down into Sinkyone park. First one or two here and there, but finally in carpets. Most numerous were irises, but Indians pain brush, berry bushes, daisies and many others were in nice displays.
We set up camp at the first campsite in Jones Beach area. There was a picnic table and toilet near by. I set my tent in a grassy area with flowers all around.

Lost Coast, Randall to Horse Mountain Creek

01 APRIL 2016, 07:55 PM
April 1, 2016
Today we had a fantastic display of wildflowers. There were lupine and California puppies and fields of irises as far as you can see. I usually see irises one at a time, but today they came in fields.
Streams crossings were a problem today as many were so high we had to take our booths of. In particularly Rattlesnake Creek was high and fast.
We made camp by Horse Mountain Creek. My original plan was to hike up Horse Mountain Ridge and connect to the southern section, but the group voted to continue on the beach to Shelter Cove. We will have to hike 4 miles on the highway to make the connection.

Lost Coast, Mattole to Randall Creek

31 MARCH 2016, 07:47 PM
March 31, 2016
The day started at Usal Campground. Michael and I came in the night before, but Bobbie and DK drove all night from San Francisco. We left my truck at an out of the way spot and drove Bobbie’s Jetta to Mattole. That was the start of our backpack trip.
We arrived at Punta Gorda lighthouse in time for lunch, but the real attraction were the seals lying on the beach. They allow us to get close enough to get a good picture.
Wildflowers were everywhere, carpets and carpets of wildflowers. At one place there was a field of white flowers that smell like onion. In the center there were several large white irises.
After lunch we rushed to get to camp at Randall Creek before the high tide made the shore impassable. We got there a little after 4 pm. High tide was at 7 and by then it was impossible to walk on the beach. Actually, there was no beach as the waves were all breaking into the cliff.